Eaze Redesign
Eaze (cannabis delivery service) had an agency do a full brand book with an updated look and feel in 2020. And although this was quite extensive and really thought out for marketing and print materials, it did not translate well to digital. The decision was made to do a brand refresh using assets and inspiration from the brand book created, but to make it digital first.
We used the same color palette but leaned hard into fuzzy gradients to make the digital experience less heavy. As a team we created a whole new look and feel that didn’t stray too far off from the original brand.
The decision was made to reskin our current site with the brand re-fresh rather than change any of the current interactions. This was the result of a compromise with both the stakeholders (executive team), and the development team. We ultimately decided we would test the new designs first, then change the interactions we had issues with.
The redesign was actually a series of large projects. First of which was the exploratory phase where we played with different styling for the components of our product. The next project was building out an in depth design system for our developers to use to reskin our current site. The last project was implementation. Working closely with our front end development team to get everything as close to pixel perfect as possible, as well as QAing the site to find any inconsistencies.
As of March 2024 this project is in the QA phase and is expected to ship soon after the 4/20 holiday weekend (cannabis specific holiday).